Czechoslovakia flag
‘‘Most of the Eastern European countries have a punk history which is almost as old as those from the “Western Democraies“ .Nevertheless, their realisations and development underwent very different paths than ours.One factor was isolation.Some of these countries were really cut off from rest of the world.Another factor was that due to the lack of freedom police forces(‘Peoples Militia‘, Secret Police, Intelligence Services...), censorship and all authorities.That also meant that many punks were imprisoned for being labeled ‘social parasites‘, ‘drug-addicts‘, ‘cultural agents of capitalism‘, or were simply sent to a psychiatric hospital(like many regular political opponents), and the statedoctors diagnosed ‚‘schizophrenia‘ or whatever would suit the political authorities .‘‘(Luk Haas in his ‘‘Discography of Eastern Europan Punk Music 1977-1999‘‘)
I decide that I create some blog about Czechoslovakia punk, Oi! and HC music so as you know how it was with our music in communist countries.I will give some info and mp3 about
bands and about our ex-country(czechoslovakia don’t exist already, state was discrete to two countries- Czech republic and Slovakia) here.I hope that you find some interesting info and time which you spend on this page don’t will bootless.
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